Monday, June 14, 2010

The Delectable George Clooney!

I love me some HIM!

Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog so Black women could drool over and speak freely about George Clooney without feeling like outcasts or stifled. As a member of a few GC message boards and blogs, I've noticed a lot of other women are sensitive and wayyyyyyyyy overly obsessive about the man. I mean, I admire the guy too, but I don't worship him. And I don't get myself so wrapped up in his private life that it causes me to disrupt my own. I don't know George personally, so I feel no need to get angry about who he's dating or debate about whether or not he's gay. I may speculate, gossip and then lmao @ George and his silly antics, but other than that, it's not that deep to me.

Here at Droolin' For Clooney, we don't take things so seriously. This blog is for entertainment purposes only and it's DRAMA FREE! Please keep this in mind when you post. Also, Droolin' For Clooney is opened to ALL, but is particularly aimed toward Black women and women of color.
So, if you find my humor offensive OR are overly obsessive and have stalker tenancies towards Mr. Clooney, PLEASE refrain from visiting this blog!

Lastly, if my schedule permits, I will be updating as often as possible. If I find that I cannot, I may in the very near future, appoint blog administrators. If you are interested in becoming an administrator, please notify me by email. You may also email me if you have any suggestions that may better improve this blog.

Happy Droolin'!

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