Monday, June 14, 2010

The Delectable George Clooney!

I love me some HIM!

Welcome to my blog!

I created this blog so Black women could drool over and speak freely about George Clooney without feeling like outcasts or stifled. As a member of a few GC message boards and blogs, I've noticed a lot of other women are sensitive and wayyyyyyyyy overly obsessive about the man. I mean, I admire the guy too, but I don't worship him. And I don't get myself so wrapped up in his private life that it causes me to disrupt my own. I don't know George personally, so I feel no need to get angry about who he's dating or debate about whether or not he's gay. I may speculate, gossip and then lmao @ George and his silly antics, but other than that, it's not that deep to me.

Here at Droolin' For Clooney, we don't take things so seriously. This blog is for entertainment purposes only and it's DRAMA FREE! Please keep this in mind when you post. Also, Droolin' For Clooney is opened to ALL, but is particularly aimed toward Black women and women of color.
So, if you find my humor offensive OR are overly obsessive and have stalker tenancies towards Mr. Clooney, PLEASE refrain from visiting this blog!

Lastly, if my schedule permits, I will be updating as often as possible. If I find that I cannot, I may in the very near future, appoint blog administrators. If you are interested in becoming an administrator, please notify me by email. You may also email me if you have any suggestions that may better improve this blog.

Happy Droolin'!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Black Women Who Love George Clooney

George to Halle: "I want you."

George with Aisha Tyler

George, Oprah and Gail

"Olskool Love" Aaliyah, George, & Kidada Jones

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Will George EVER again show a Sista sum love?

Kimberly Russell, an actress who starred in the 80's sitcom Head of the Class, dated George for 3 years. They also lived together for a short period of time. I'm not sure if Kimberly is the only Black woman George ever dated. My guess is that she is not. George was raised in a very liberal, open minded family and had many Black friends and acquaintances growing up. Still, I wonder though, why is she his LAST Black girlfriend? or at least the last that WE (the public) know of? Of course there is that possibility that he's dated Black women or women of color privately. But, if this IS the case, why? Is it because of racist Hollywood? Are his handlers, i.e. agent, publicist afraid he'll lose his white fan base if he publicly dates a woman of color? Or is it just George? At the time that they dated, Kimberly was MORE famous than George. And when looking at the span of their relationship, it seems as though the moment George became famous on ER, he dumped her for a French blond girl named Celine.

Clooney's Ex-Love: Don't Mention Marriage Or Commitment

George Clooney'S ex-lover, Kimberly Russell, has warned his new flame never to ask for marriage or commitment from the Hollywood star - because the relationship will be over in an instant. Kimberly's romance with the film superstar lasted three years, and she was left with a broken heart when she was replaced by 25- year-old model Lisa Snowdon. She says, "Just enjoy the love affair while it lasts - and guard your heart. Eventually, a woman finds that George simply ain't the marrying kind." Kimberly predicts there will have been flowers and gifts and love notes too. It was exactly how he flattered and wooed her in the beginning. She adds, "That's how it starts with George, he sweeps you off your feet and romances the hell out of you. It's as though you are the only woman in the world worthy of his affections - and it's one glorious high. But don't mention the words 'marriage, commitment or babies' because that's the end of the line. We'd been together for over three years and I wanted a family. I wanted us to be man and wife. But there was no hope of pinning him down. He had one busted marriage already, and he told me flat out it was never going to happen again. If Lisa Snowdon has any thoughts of getting him down the aisle, she better forget them quick." »

So, what are your thoughts? Why hasn't George graced the red carpet with a Sista on his arm? Let's discuss!

Here's a video featuring George with Kimberly. Fast forward to 6:42.

Well, if you want to call it an update. I'm very late on this, but I recently stumbled across some photos that were taken at George's villa in Lake Como, Italy. The photos were taken in June, 2008 by the paps. Apparently, around the time of George's break-up from Sarah Larson he was allegedly seeing a mystery woman who looked to be Black or a woman of color. Take a look at the photos below. The woman is Beautiful! Some of George's fans and RACISTS posters on blogs were quick to write the woman off as a "maid" or the wife of a director who George was working with at the time (the wife by the way is white and looks nothing like the mystery woman). Some posters even made fun of the Sista's hair. WTF?

Not suprisingly, it seems as though this story died down fast. Nothing was ever mentioned again about this woman in the press and nothing can be found about her on the Internet; not even her name. Despite this however, and WHOEVER she is, it eases my heart to know George still has love for Brown Sugar (smile).

I wonder if George is still seeing her?

If any of you have any tea on who this Mystery Beauty is, PLEASE spill it! lol

Click below for more photos!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Darker the Georgie, the Sweeter the Juice!

Does George have BLACK ancestry?

I've noticed "certain" folks on GC message boards often ask this about George. They wonder about his ethinicty and question why he's so dark...LOL.... Well, it's quite possible that he does, but I'm not certain. What I do know is that he is Black Irish. There's also Spanish blood on his Mother's side. When looking at certain photos of George, I sometimes ask myself, "Who the hell is this fione lookin' Arab brother?...lmao...then other times I say, "Damn, George looks almost as brown as I do." (smile)

Now, don't get me wrong. I love the pink George, and I sure as hell wouldn't kick him out of my bed, it's just that brown George usually keeps my juices flowing a tad bit longer. lol

Below are a few pics of George where he's Brown and Yummylicious...Enjoy!

Feel free to post some of your favorites too!

Damn, Tilda is pale!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Clooney Obama Love

Happy 49th Birthday George!

George Timothy Clooney was born 49 years ago today, May 6, 1961 in Lexington, Kentucky.

Happy Birthday Georgie Poo! LOVE you!